Does Playing Chess make your Kid smarter?

Online Chess Coaching

Intellectual activities for your kids. What about chess, though, which has recently gained a lot of popularity thanks to the 2020 series The Queen's Gambit? Chess is a game that is frequently linked to intelligence and a great understanding of strategy. But can chess improve your kid’s intelligence? As it happens, yeah!

If your kid already enjoys playing chess, this article will help you realize how beneficial it is for your kid. If you still need to start, it might encourage you to do so. Here are 5 ways that online chess playing can genuinely improve your kid's intelligence.

1.     Chess can increase Your kid's IQ.

Chess coaching can help your kid's skills, and since kids who are naturally drawn to strategic, thinking games typically have higher IQs anyhow, playing chess should eventually show up in their test results.

2.     Chess trains the brain's left and right sides.

According to the study, chess players with more experience had more left-brain activity than those with less experience.

Instead, they discovered that the exercise engaged both hemispheres of the brain, that novices and experts had comparable reaction times to questions involving geometric shapes unrelated to chess, but that experts were using both sides of their brains to answer the chess-related pattern position questions more quickly.

3.     Chess enhances the creativity of your kid

It should come as no surprise that using your right side of the brain helps to increase creativity since the right hemisphere of the brain is where creativity is located. Chess has been found to significantly boost your potential 

4.     Chess enhances the memory of your kid

Young kids who were given regular opportunities to play chess improved their results in all disciplines, according to 1985 research.

Additionally, their professors saw that kids had improved memory and planning abilities. Comparable research on sixth graders in Pennsylvania confirmed this. Even students who had never played chess before were able to enhance their verbal and memory skills thereafter!

5.  Chess improves  concentration

Chess players can practice their ability to focus on other aspects of their lives after using the strong attention required by the game as a really beneficial workout! A match could be lost by getting sidetracked or distracted for even a brief period, in part because an opponent is not compelled to reveal his movements if you were not aware of them.

 Numerous studies of students in many countries have repeatedly demonstrated that playing chess helps kids to focus better.

So, yes, there is some solid evidence that playing chess helps to expand the brain and enhance the intellectual ability of your kids. Explore the Eight Times Eight Academy for a vast collection of absolutely free study materials if you're looking for additional methods to boost your knowledge, IQ, and mental health.

Additionally, if you're attempting to increase your intellect in order to ace a test or course, check out the online chess playing academy, the world's smartest study and flashcard program, which will enable you to support and train aspiring grandmasters who have the talent to compete in international chess competitions.

 Your youngster will become more productive with our online lessons, not just in chess but also in school and in life. A combination of students from India, the United States, Europe, Canada, Singapore, China, and the Middle East make up the training batches

I wish you well in both your chess competition and your ongoing drive to learn more.


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